Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Arab/Israeli Conflict - Great Sites, Articles, and Quotes

Here are some Great Sites, Articles, and Quotes regarding the Arab/Israeli Conflict. They were chosen for these fairness, accuracy, and eloquence.  I hope you find them enlightening.  

Let me know what you think - and if you have any other great sites, articles, or quotes that you'd like me to include.


Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us. -- Golda Meir in a statement to the National Press Club in Washington, D. C. in 1957

“The truth is that if Israel were to put down its arms there would be no more Israel. If the Arabs were to put down their arms there would be no more war.” -- Benjamin Netanyahu, 2006

The Arabs never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.  --  Abba Eban after the Geneva Peace Conference with Arab countries (21 December 1973).

"How is it that half a billion hostile Arabs have managed to successfully portray themselves as the victims of five million Israeli Jews?  . . . . .  How did more than a dozen Arab tyrannies successfully portray Israel, the region's lone democracy, as the bad guys in the Middle East?   . . . .   What Israel has failed at utterly is framing the conflict with the Palestinians in moral terms.  This is not a dispute over land.  Rather it is a conflict between good and evil . . . . . . . Whatever grievances the Palestinians claim to have against Israel, choosing to settle them by maiming and murdering innocent men, women and children is a crime against God and a sin against humanity.   The Jews were put into ghettos and turned into piles of ashes by the Nazis.  But they never retaliated by machine-gunning German schoolgirls. . . . . "   Rabbi Shmuley Boteach.   Jerusalem Post Jan 9th 2003

There were no such thing as Palestinians. When was there an independent Palestinian people with a Palestinian state? It was either southern Syria before the First World War, and then it was a Palestine including Jordan. It was not as though there was a Palestinian people in Palestine considering itself as a Palestinian people and we came and threw them out and took their country away from them. They did not exist. -- Golda Meir as quoted in The Washington Post (16 June 1969)

Sites Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America - The best, fairest, and most credible media watch site on the internet! 
    Here's an example of their quality commentary Deconstructing "Israeli Apartheid" - March 1, 2012 and
    Here are articles about a number of fundamental issues

10 Facts about the Arab-Israeli Conflict

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Do HIV Tests Detect HIV?

Here's a fascinating article that shows clearly that HIV tests do NOT detect the presence of the HIV virus!

It's criminal that, on the basis of these unreliable tests, people would be told that they were going to die or be prosecuted for serious felonies!

Here's an except:

On the surface, the fact that the CDC would recommend the use of antibody tests for the purpose of telling persons that they are, with certainty, infected with a deadly and contagious virus – when the manufacturers of these tests warn that the tests cannot be used to establish (with any degree of stated certainty) that this is the case – may seem so incredulous that it cannot be true.  This is particularly the case for persons who were young adults in the late 1980s and 1990s who recall reading in reputable organs of the popular press that the tests being used to diagnose infection with HIV are “greater than 99.9 percent accurate.”

Our American Democracy is a Dead Man Walking Betrayed by Bush/Obama

"Better 10 Guilty Men Go Free than to Convict a Single Innocent Man":

Whatever happened to this basic principle that made Americans so proud of their justice system? For hundreds of years, this principle was upheld and maintained against many temptations. It took a dunce with no character (Bush) and a constitutional law professor with no principles (Obama) to destroy the ideal that made our justice system the envy of the world.

Now, how is our justice system better than those of the world's worst tyrannies? It isn't any longer. The fact that only several Americans have been murdered by our government with no even a pretense of due process does not mean that thousands can't be killed tomorrow based on the same illegal principles approved by our Congress and president!

Obama claims we are at war and will be forever and the president will always have war powers against a stateless enemy. He claims that he is not required to reveal even the legal reasoning for claiming the powers he claims to have. He refuses to admit that he is murdering Americans even though he officially is taking credit for it. He also claims the power to keep in prison without charges anyone he claims is a terrorist without revealing his evidence and without giving the prisoner a right to prove his innocence or to even see a lawyer.

What has happened to us? Obama offered us hope in a renewal of the rule of law and an open, transparent government that will be accountable for its misdeeds.  It has stabbed our hope in the heart and has perpetuated the moral and legal travesties of his odious predecessor. He refused to prosecute the war crimes of Bush including starting an illegal war, lying to the American public and Congress, imprisoning and torturing innocent people, etc - but he has prosecuted many of those whistle blowers who expose those crimes! And not only prosecuted them but accused them of violating the Espionage Act which carries a potential death sentence. Obama has prosecuted more whistle blowers with the Espionage Act more than all others presidents combined! And he promised to value and to protect whistle blowers.

And Obama begin his administration by hiring one of the chief enablers of Wall Street malfeasance that brought down the whole world's economy, Tim Geithner. Then he hired Goldman Sachs leaders to staff his treasury department. These thieves would not investigate financial crimes because they enabled, and profited from, them!

How have most Americans, both conservatives and liberals, reacted to Obama's betrayal of basic democratic principles?  Conservatives criticized him for not destroying more liberties and most liberals have acquiesced in his betrayal because the alternative to him is even worse, they fear.

And the press? Have they been screaming in their headlines that our prized American system of government which  guarantees liberty for all is a dead man walking, destroyed by fear, lies, neglect and betrayal? The press has been silent about the last gasps of our democracy while it has been covering celebrity candidates, actors, pundits, and miscellaneous famous people. Our democracy has died under the unwatchful eyes of the press!

When Fruit Flies Strike Out, They Like To Booze It Up : Shots - Health Blog : NPR

When Fruit Flies Strike Out, They Like To Booze It Up : Shots - Health Blog : NPR:

It turns out that there are many traits that are shared by living things.  The message is: don't feel so alone!

'via Blog this'

Saturday, March 17, 2012

My Twitter Account

I use My Twitter Account to:
  • save articles I've enjoyed reading and want to remember and/or share 
  • write my strongly held opinions 
  • write humorous thoughts 
  • write advice for myself in the form of advice for others 
  • retweet others' tweets respond to others' tweets
Collectively, it should give you a picture of what's been on my scattered mind recently.  It's the closest thing I have done recently that resembles writing a book.  I invite you to take a look and let me know what you think. 

Jack Kennedy: Elusive Hero by Chris Matthews

I just finished reading or, should I say gobbling up, the beautifully written book, Jack Kennedy: Elusive Hero by Chris Matthews. There is a lovely short review here and you can order the book from, and read other reviews at,

There are fascinating details about his life that not many people knew. He was very ill all of his life and he had to battle against his infirmities constantly. His heroism during World War II was not just a single act – it was a series of very brave and intelligent decisions made under terrifying circumstances.

The descriptions of the political strategies and considerations are enlightening. The book gives you a feel for what was this man like. He was different to different people in his life, but he was an enthralling personality to all of them. Many of them said he was the most charming man they had ever met.

He was a serious student of history his whole life and he earned a Pulitzer Prize for his wonderful portrait of political courage, Profiles in Courage which, by the way, I also highly recommend – it has lost none of its currency even though it describes actions taken generations ago.

I highly recommend this book.

Let me know how you enjoyed it.