Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Do HIV Tests Detect HIV?

Here's a fascinating article that shows clearly that HIV tests do NOT detect the presence of the HIV virus!

It's criminal that, on the basis of these unreliable tests, people would be told that they were going to die or be prosecuted for serious felonies!

Here's an except:

On the surface, the fact that the CDC would recommend the use of antibody tests for the purpose of telling persons that they are, with certainty, infected with a deadly and contagious virus – when the manufacturers of these tests warn that the tests cannot be used to establish (with any degree of stated certainty) that this is the case – may seem so incredulous that it cannot be true.  This is particularly the case for persons who were young adults in the late 1980s and 1990s who recall reading in reputable organs of the popular press that the tests being used to diagnose infection with HIV are “greater than 99.9 percent accurate.”

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