Saturday, March 17, 2012

Jack Kennedy: Elusive Hero by Chris Matthews

I just finished reading or, should I say gobbling up, the beautifully written book, Jack Kennedy: Elusive Hero by Chris Matthews. There is a lovely short review here and you can order the book from, and read other reviews at,

There are fascinating details about his life that not many people knew. He was very ill all of his life and he had to battle against his infirmities constantly. His heroism during World War II was not just a single act – it was a series of very brave and intelligent decisions made under terrifying circumstances.

The descriptions of the political strategies and considerations are enlightening. The book gives you a feel for what was this man like. He was different to different people in his life, but he was an enthralling personality to all of them. Many of them said he was the most charming man they had ever met.

He was a serious student of history his whole life and he earned a Pulitzer Prize for his wonderful portrait of political courage, Profiles in Courage which, by the way, I also highly recommend – it has lost none of its currency even though it describes actions taken generations ago.

I highly recommend this book.

Let me know how you enjoyed it.

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